I was honored to judge at the 5th annual 2012 OPGC event as a "Middle School Professional Judge". Which really boiled down to me playing all the games and pick my top three favorite and order them. Easy! Well not so easy, but nothing worth doing is easy! Right? Ok well maybe a few things, but really this was great and took a lot of focus to give everyone a few minutes to review their games from there gameplay. I wonder if this is what the guys at Slide to Play, or JakeIsGames.com feel like when they get slammed with reviews. At least I didn't have to publish copious well written notes on my experience (I'll leave that up to the experts.) There were 12 teams to score. which gave me about 10 minutes with each one and chance to go back afterward. Which I had too since I had a serious case of indecision on my hands at the end of it. Pick 3... who knew THAT would be so exhausting.

The kids are smart and clever. They are paying attention. They did some amazing stuff in 3 months. Really amazing stuff coming out of these middle school kids efforts... 6th-8th graders... just getting stuff done on an epic scale (relatively speaking, but it is still great!)

I feel hopeful for the future after seeing such bright kids in action. I am inspired to make sure there is a reasonable world there for them to enjoy. I am embarrassed at some of my own projects are not done (or showing marked progress.)

I met some real great industry folks. Jake from Brainium Studios, who was also one of noble sponsors of this great event. The keynote speaker, Kate Edwards, was great too and many interesting and inspiring stories to share with the kids.

I expect to do this again next year. I expect to become a coach in years to come as my own children become of age! Head over to the http://www.ogpc.info web site and see what you can do for them! 

CodeWorx Studios

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