Hunter has been working in the computing industry since 1993 (a hobbyist/enthusiast since ~1980) and specifically on software since 1998. He was classically trained in the art and science of software development and graduated with honors (2003) and went to work in the defense industry building visualization software. CodeWorx Studios was formed in 2008 initially working on real time GIS empowered visualization software as sub to the prime contract (his former employer, none of that will be discussed here.) That work does continue, but the CodeWorx Studios primary effort moving forward has transitioned into making games (his true passion all along). He officially started that quest of game making as an independent game developer July of 2011. A self professed jack of all trades, near mastery of some. He considers himself rather platform agnostic, but has preferences based on experience tempered by the task of the moment's requirements, and thinks people who talk about themselves in the third person to be silly...