For all the people having trouble with Doodle Army using a Samsung Galaxy S2, specificlly the I9100 version

We know there is an issue that typically manifests itself as a crash right around reaching the first checkpoint after the turtorial (for most people.) We have been pulling our hair as to why and someone finally responded with enough details for us to sort out a lead! And further digging turns out there is a known issue on this device that has a work around baked into our framework of choice (Cocos2d.)

This gives us something to work with. Hopefully we get a fix soon, this has dogged us for a few weeks now.

Comments (2) -

1/6/2013 2:06:40 AM #

i'm really w8ing for it

1/15/2013 4:26:01 PM #

The known bug in our chosen framework is giving us trouble too. I wish it was easy as I thought/hoped. I also really wish Android would allow us to send a different output to different versions of the phone. It essentially is requiring us to not sell to 30% of our the market! Its is really unfortunate that every other phone out there doesn't have this issue. The playing of multiple sounds is not an uncommon thing, although there are parts that play over 12 sounds at once (the device's sound's limited ability is what is at fault here.) I am not sure yet how it will be solved! Its on Craig's list, I helped set up the sound so I am supporting him. He is our Android guy right now working the bug list (which is as long as his arm I am told...)

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